Campus Safety Programs

Student Safety Organization (SSO)

  • SSO participants are volunteer students that escort other students on campus.
  • They are trained by the University Police Department.
  • Weekday Availability Monday - Thursday: dusk-midnight
  • Weekend Availability Friday, Saturday, & Sunday: dusk-2 a.m.
  • They are trained in CPR, AED and reporting crimes.
  • When on duty, they carry a radio.
  • When on duty, they will be wearing a shirt or a vest that will identify them as part of the Student Safety Organization.

SSO members assist the Police Department in performing weekly checks of the Blue Light emergency phones and any other tasks that will assist the department in providing a safe campus community.

Volunteers are welcome. If interested contact:
Lieutenant John Johnson

Student Orientation

A Public Safety program is presented to incoming students and their parents and is designed to increase awareness of crime on campus. It addresses police related issues and how they affect individuals who are attending Longwood. This program is presented several times each year.

To learn more about the Freshman Orientation at Longwood, visit Student Success Services.

Personal Safety Seminars

These seminars are designed to improve safety habits within the student population. Topics include alcohol awareness, residential hall security, personal safety habits, reporting illegal or suspicious activity, crime on campus, and police services. This program allows the student the opportunity to address safety related concerns and to receive an appropriate response.

R.A. and R.C.L Training

At the beginning of each school year the Police Department assists in training Residential and Commuter Life (RCL) staff on campus safety, awareness and all police services. This includes alcohol and drug awareness and sexual assault protocols.

R.A.D. - Rape Aggression Defense

The Rape Aggression Defense System is dedicated to teaching women defensive concepts and techniques against various types of assault by utilizing easy, effective and proven self-defense/martial arts tactics. Our system of realistic defense will provide a woman with the knowledge to make an educated decision about resistance.

University Police R.A.D. classes are free; however you must register to participate.

Objective: "To develop and enhance the options of self defense, so they may become viable considerations to the woman who is attacked."

Rape Aggression Defense Training involves:

  • Practical self defense tactics that are easy to learn and employ
  • Awareness and avoidance
  • Risk reduction strategies
  • Certified Instructors and a free lifetime return practice policy

If you have questions, E-mail or call:
Lieutenant John Johnson

Refuse To Be A Victim

"Refuse To Be a Victim" is a crime prevention program from the National Rifle Association and is designed to raise levels of awareness on the following areas:

  • Personal security
  • Locks
  • Lighting
  • Windows
  • Doors
  • Shrubbery
  • Alarms
  • Keys
  • Automobile security
  • Travel
  • Phone safety
  • Identity theft

These are just a few of the areas that are covered by the "Refuse To Be a Victim" program.

For more information on the program, please contact:
Lieutenant John Johnson

Neighborhood Watch Program

Neighborhood Watch, in various forms, has been around for many years. Today it is one of the most popular and successful of all efforts to prevent residential crime. Here in Virginia, it is reported that several hundred thousand households are participating in local Neighborhood Watch programs.

Perhaps one reason for the success of neighborhood Watch is its simplicity. Although programs may vary in the way they are organized and the methods used to reduce the opportunity for crime, all are predicated on the need for residents to protect their neighborhood by observing and reporting suspicious or unusual activities.


Many communities with active programs have experienced substantial decreases in burglary, vandalism and larceny. In addition to the prevention of residential crime, Neighborhood Watch:

  • Creates a greater awareness of crime;
  • Increases reporting of crime and suspicious activities;
  • Serves as a warning to criminals;
  • Promotes neighborliness;
  • Provides residents with access to crime patterns and trends that may threaten them; and
  • Increases arrest and conviction of criminals due to the availability of eye witnesses.


To become a member of the Longwood University Neighborhood Watch, contact:
Lieutenant John Johnson

Register Your Bicycle Program

Protect Your Bicycle from Theft

  • Always secure your bicycle frame to a bicycle rack or stationary object with an alloy-hardened U-shaped lock even if you're only going to be gone just a minute. Most locking cables and chains, regardless of a hardened case, can be cut with bolt cutters.
  • Immediately report suspicious persons or activity in the vicinity of bicycle racks.
  • Register your bicycle with University Police in person at the University Police station. Registration serves as a deterrent to theft and aids in the recovery of stolen bicycles. At University Police, community members may also register their bicycles with the Longwood Police Department.
  • When you lock and leave your bicycle, try to choose a public place where passers-by will notice a thief.
  • When possible, release the front wheel and secure together with the back tire. Remember to also secure removable seats.
  • Keep records including serial number, description of bicycle and bill of sale. If your bicycle is stolen, immediately notify University Police.
  • There is no charge for this service.

Put your bicycle in storage when not in use. Bicycles are prohibited from being stored in corridors, hallways, stairwells, lounges or any thoroughfare.

H.E.A.T. - Help Eliminate Auto Theft

  • Protect Yourself
  • Lock your doors when you are driving, in addition to when you park the vehicle.
  • Never get out of your car when you are struck from behind. It could be a carjacking.
  • After dark, park your car in a well-lighted area, and whenever possible walk to your car with a friend.
  • Be familiar with your surroundings. If you feel threatened or need emergency assistance, dial #77 or 911 on your cellular phone.
  • Take your keys.
  • Don't leave your car running, even for a minute.
  • Park with your wheels turned toward the curb.
  • If your vehicle is going to be unattended for a long period of time, disable it.

Visible and Audible Deterrents

  • Audible alarms
  • Steering wheel locks
  • Steering column collars
  • Theft deterrent decals
  • Tire locks
  • Window etching


Rewards up to $25,000 for auto theft tips
