The Office of Student Research is proud to feature Sarah Dooley in this week’s “Scholar Story”.


Sarah Dooley is a senior biology major at Longwood University. She also has a minor in Psychology. Her undergraduate research has focused on flocculation, a process that occurs during fermentation and is known to directly affect the final product's appearance and flavor. Specifically, Sarah worked on characterizing the genetic variation in three flocculin proteins between different brewing strains. Sarah conducted this research in Dr. Dale Beach’s lab as part of Longwood’s summer PRISM research program and the Senior Honors Research program.


Sarah first became involved in independent research because she wanted “to learn the "how," not just the "what" of science. To me, being a scientist is synonymous with being curious.”


Participating in independent research had a positive impact on Sarah because “it has taught me how to embrace the "I don't know" in life. Because of this, I try to approach new situations or questions with the mentality of "I don't know, but let's find out."”


Sarah reflects that “just like life, research is challenging, things do not always go as planned, and no one has the answer book! Participating in research has taught me the importance of patience, resilience, and creativity.” Her favorite part of doing research was that “it pushes me out of my comfort zone. The more I begin to learn about something, the more I start to venture into unknown territory, and new questions or ideas come up!”


Sarah recently presented her research at the National Council for Undergraduate Research annual meeting in April 2021. After graduation in May, Sarah will start graduate school at the Medical University of South Carolina where she will earn her PhD in Medical Sciences.


Congratulations to Sarah on her success!


If you would like to have your research featured in a “Scholar Story”, or if you would like to learn more about getting involved in research at Longwood University, please visit Longwood’s Office of Student Research website

or contact Amorette Barber, Director of the Office of Student Research ( or