Debbie Shanaberger Oliver ’85 was named 2023-24 Teacher of the Year
Gray Stabley Carmichael ’85 pursues her passion for helping others find their past with Gray Stabley Genealogy Services
Longwood is proud to recognize more than 1,100 students named to the Dean’s List and President’s List for the 2024 spring semester.
American Legion Auxiliary Virginia Girls State this week marks a half-century of partnership with Longwood, a remarkable achievement that has seen generations of high-schoolers spend a week learning about and participating in state government activities.
Dr. Eric Hodges received a $100,000 grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities in 2021 to study the combat and homecoming experiences of Black military veterans.
For more than three decades, Dr. Charlie Kinzer has been synonymous with the Longwood music department and the university’s jazz ensemble
Col. Charles B. Martin Jr. ’92 was named the Virginia National Guard’s assistant adjutant general-Army.
Dr. William “Bill” Fiege ’95 named Brightpoint Community College’s president
Alumna Virginia Secondary Art Teacher of the Year
Dr. Mike Mucedola views research in the field of health and nutrition as an exercise in putting a puzzle together.