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  • Students sitting in for the CNN anchors

    14 Great Debate Social Media Posts

    October 09, 2016

    Social media was buzzing with activity around the U.S. Vice Presidential Debate on October 4, 2016. Here were just a few of our #LongwoodDebate favorites.

  • Debate Hall Sign

    9 Debate Stories That Helped Tell the Longwood Story

    October 09, 2016

    The coverage of Longwood and Farmville leading up to the Vice Presidential Debate has been extraordinary -- almost too much to count. Here are just a few of our favorites that helped share our story with the world.

  • The 2008 Vice Presidential Debate between democratic candidate Joe Biden and republican candidate Sarah Palin drew nearly 70 million viewers, making it the second-highest viewed debate – presidential or vice presidential – ever. All debate photos courtesy of the Associated Press.

    A Heartbeat Away

    October 04, 2016

    When the vice presidential candidates meet on stage for their lone debate each election cycle, the undercard often garners as much attention as the title match.

  • Debate Banners

    Live Blog: Longwood VP Debate

    October 02, 2016

    During the days before and on Debate Day itself, we’ll take you behind the scenes, tell you what’s happening right now and provide perspective on what it all means.

  • The 2016 Citizenship Summit brought more the 600 middle and high school students to campus

    Virginia’s youth encouraged to join the debate

    October 01, 2016

    The voting age may be 18, but there’s no age restriction on getting involved in the political process. That’s what students from across Southern Virginia learned when they gathered at Longwood for a conference on citizenship and politics last week.

  • VIDEO: How hosting the U.S. Vice Presidential Debate has transformed our campus

    September 30, 2016

    The stage is set. On Oct. 4, Longwood University will host the U.S. Vice Presidential Debate with Tim Kaine and Mike Pence. Get the inside scoop on what it takes to host a debate and some of the changes on campus in anticipation of the big event.

  • Macrae Hammond ’14 (M.S. ’15)

    Behind the scenes of the unprecedented debate volunteer operation

    September 27, 2016

    It takes a small army of volunteers to host the Vice Presidential Debate–about 1,000 in total, including almost 700 students. The general of that army: a hyper-organized font of Lancer pride and bottomless energy named Macrae Hammond ’14 (M.S. ’15).

  • Photo by Michael Mergen, assistant professor of photography

    Debate Countdown: Life On The Trail

    September 26, 2016

    Art 495: On The Campaign Trail is perhaps the most distinctive and remarkable of more than 30 courses on campus this fall that have been created or redesigned to incorporate debate themes.

  • The NAACP Protest on the steps of Prince Edward County Courthouse, 1961.

    A Place That Has Shaped A Nation

    September 26, 2016

    It’s America’s first two-college town, a place where the final hours of the Civil War unfolded and a student strike helped launch the modern civil rights movement.

  • Five major news networks – CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, ABC News and Bloomberg – will be constructing sets on campus. Text ‘LUonTV’ to 95577 to be notified when and where live broadcasts are happening.

    News networks looking for a “GameDay” atmosphere for debate week

    September 25, 2016

    Imagine ESPN’s “College GameDay” coming to Longwood. Now imagine something much bigger, with five networks, dozens of anchors, and two days’ worth of coverage. Get ready to put yourself in the middle of it all – and maybe be seen on live TV.