Convocation, the traditional start to senior year, is celebrated at Longwood with a tradition unlike any other: elaborately decorated mortarboards made for seniors by a special "capper" and unveiled at the ceremony. Though the threat of weather disrupted the ceremony, it couldn't deter the “capping” tradition and change the enthusiasm for seniors showing off their newly-decorated caps.

“The fire truck and Farmville fire department patch on my cap mean the most to me. I wanted to find a way to help others. The first fire I went to was nerve-wracking—and they still are. But it’s definitely worth it.”
Riley Hayden '21
Elementary Education

“Each of the gravestones on my cap represent milestones for me. It really captures my essence and love of Halloween.”
Alison Connolly '21
Graphic and Animation Design

“The photo of my Theta Chi pledge class is the most special part of my cap. They’re my best friends in the world; they’re friends for life.”
Jamal Allen '21
Criminal Justice / Sociology

“My cap says Ganba Ruby. It’s the catchphrase for a Japanese character and it means ‘Do your best,’ which is what I’ve tried to do here.”
Mitzi Cater '21
Graphic and Animation Design
“The spoon and the fork represent my work in the dining hall, where I’ve worked since my freshman year. I’m a student supervisor now and this experience has been a significant part of my time at Longwood.”
Paige Blaha ‘21
Graphic and Animation Design

“All the photographs on my cap are what mean the most to me. They include everyone who’s been there for me in my college journey: my sorority, Alpha Sigma Tau, my family members and my boyfriend.”
Ashley Ellison '21

“I chose Hailey Harris as my capper. She’s my next door neighbor back home and she’s like a little sister to me. She’s a freshman so I thought this was a fun Longwood tradition to introduce her to as she begins her journey here.”
Lauren Meadows '21
History / Pre-Law

“What means the most on my cap is the cake tier from Oh, the Places You’ll Go by Dr. Seuss. Britney McCrickard, my best friend since sixth grade who attends Radford University, made the cap and came all the way to Farmville. We’re inseparable. She knows I love that book, and I want to decorate my classroom to look just like it.”
Jordan Hairston '21
Elementary Education

“I love that little piano that he spent so much time making out of popsicle sticks.”
Amber Both '21
Choral Music Education
“I love playing board games, and she managed to capture a lot of them.”
Isaac Both '21
Physics / Secondary Education

“The monogram means the most. Almost everything I have is monogrammed!”
Catherine Allen '21
Elementary Education

“I want to say the whole cap is most meaningful. It’s like a summary of my college experience.”
Lauren Quezada '21
Graphic and Animation Design

“I love that it has the planets. I wanted my cap to be out of this world. I am the sun, and the planets represent the people who have been with me on this incredible journey.”
Emmanuel Diala '21
Business Administration / Marketing

“I dress exclusively in floral prints and I’m also obsessed with the ocean, so this is very me. I’m a big fan of my cap.”
Paige Brasili '21
Business Administration / Management
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