New Longwood Recovers Lounge
New Longwood Recovers Lounge

Longwood Recovers, our collegiate recovery program, has grown in size from last year, with student involvement averaging 7 members and overall meeting attendance peaking at 14.  The need for a larger meeting space became evident.  Longwood Recovers secured a larger space across the hall in Upchurch 306 (the previous meditation room). 

The space came furnished with a television, comfortable seating, extra foldable chairs for more meeting attendance, coffee supplies, coloring materials, table games, and fidgets. We are adding a full-sized refrigerator, a microwave, and in the works to install a camera to make our recovery meetings hybrid.

The Lounge is a safe space to be used by our community in recovery to hang out, study, and attend weekly group meetings. If you want to become a member, please contact Lucas Baker at 434-394-0656 or