Main Campus Residence Halls & Longwood Landings

Delivery Instructions (flowers, food, groceries, etc.)

No deliveries from local merchants (flowers, food, groceries, etc.) can be accepted at the Longwood post office, at the front desk of residence halls or apartment complexes, or a student's floor or room in a residence hall, Longwood Landings or Lancer Park North or South.

Please provide local merchant/delivery services with your physical building address and a contact number where the merchant/delivery person can reach you to coordinate a meeting place for the delivery. 

Physical Building Addresses

Residence Hall

Street Address

Johns Hall

401 South Main Street

Moss Hall

315 South Main Street

Register Hall

508 Vine Street

Sharp Hall

507 Redford Street

Stubbs Hall

306 Griffin Blvd

Wheeler Hall

114 Griffin Blvd

Longwood Landings

 Street Address

Landings — Northeast

120 S. South Street, Apt. #___

Landings — Northwest

120 Midtown Avenue, Apt. #___

Landings — Southeast

150 S. South Street, Apt. #___

Landings — Southwest

121 Midtown Avenue, Apt. #___



Lancer Park Deliveries

No deliveries can be accepted at the Brown Commons front desk.  Floor-level deliveries are not permitted in Lancer Park North or South buildings.

Please provide local merchant/delivery services with your standard mailing address, including your apartment number and street address, and a contact number where the merchant/delivery person can reach you to coordinate a meeting place for the delivery. 

Find your campus mailing address on