Community Snapshot
Community Snapshot

The Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life is very excited to reveal the Fall 2019 Community Snapshot. Longwood’s Greek Community finished off the second half of 2019 with some great events and a spooky Lip Sync!


2019 was the 122nd year that Greek life has been on Longwood University’s campus. This past fall, we had 603 active and contributing Greek members. Even though primary recruitment is in the spring, our organizations gained a total of 54 new members that are excited and ready to bring some great things to our community!


Our 23 chapters were able to complete 4,067.52 community service hours in and around the Farmville community. 


While balancing everything, our Greeks still excel at academics! The overall Greek GPA raised up to an outstanding 3.11, higher than the all-campus average GPA. The chapter with the high GPA was Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.


The Office of Fraternity & Sorority Life was also very hard at work during Fall 2019. This year’s Lip Sync was the highest attended ever! The theme was “Haunted Lip Sync,” opening up new opportunities for chapters to be creative and grow their connections with one another!


We can’t wait to see all our chapter’s fantastic contributions to Longwood University and the Greek community during this spring semester!