Course and Grade Requirements

All Graphic and Animation Design (GAND) concentratees will receive a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree. The General Education Requirements will be identical for each of the two tracks.

To satisfy major graduation requirements within the GAND program, students must earn a grade no less than C in all GAND courses. GAND concentratees who receive less than a C in a required GAND course must retake and pass that course in order to receive credit. Plus and minus grades are figured into the student's GPA.

Additionally, as a graduation requirement, all students in the GAND program must participate in, and pass, five annual portfolio assessments. See "Assessments" in the menu at left.

The student bears full responsibility for meeting all graduation requirements.

Every attempt has been made to state the GAND requirements as clearly as possible. However, it is strongly recommended that every student maintains close communication with the academic advisor assigned in order to plan their program in a fashion best suited to the student’s individual goals and needs. The faculty stands ready to assist any student in this regard.

Current Graphic & Animation Design catalog

2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog (pdf)

Course Rotation Schedule

A course rotation schedule shows you when course offerings are anticipated and helps you plan your future class schedules. Your advisor will review this schedule with you.

Course Rotation Schedule for Fall 2017 to Spring 2021 (pdf)