Appointments with the staff at University Career Services are available for current students and alumni of Longwood. We offer assistance on a variety of fronts and are ready to help!

During the academic year, we schedule appointments between 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday - Friday. Off-hour appointments may be scheduled on a case-by-case basis with individual Career Coaches.

University Career Services offers several appointment types and tutorials on using important tools like Handshake, LinkedIn and leveraging your Longwood Network.

Career Exploration

Career Exploration

Exploration appointments are helpful if you are unsure what career to pursue, what fields will fit your goals, or how to transition from a current career choice into a new one. Typically, the conversation centers around finding clarity in goals, discovering new paths, or changing direction (i.e. no plan at all, change in passion/major/career path, looking for a better job than the current one). The goal of this appointment is to work towards a direction and create a plan of action. If requested, Career Coaches can help facilitate personality or skill self-assessments.

Alumni considering a career change are highly encouraged to schedule this type of appointment.

Resume and Cover Letter Review

Resume and Cover Letter Review

Receive expertise and guidance from our staff as you write your resume, cover letter, and reference page for the jobs and internships you’re seeking! Students or alumni can bring a physical copy of their document(s) or email them in advance. Staff will also discuss in general terms how to customize resumes and cover letters to specific job descriptions to get their documents noticed by hiring managers.

Practice Phone Interview and Mock Interview

Practice Phone Interview and Mock Interview

Practice your phone interviewing skills in a low-pressure environment with one of our Career Coaches, who will provide feedback and help you get ready for the first step in the interview process! Students and alumni can practice responses to standard questions most commonly posed during phone screenings and early-round interviews. We encourage students to email in a job description and their resume before each interview so that a Career Coach can customize the interview as much as possible.

Mock Interviews are scheduled once you have made it past the initial round and scheduled in-person interviews. We will help you research the company, craft your answers, and practice on-your-feet thinking.

LinkedIn Training

LinkedIn Training

We help students and alumni create, or review, their LinkedIn profiles. At the same time, you learn the many features of the platform that make it one of the most crucial career development tools available. LinkedIn offers many features that students and alumni often underutilize in their effort to build a network, explore career paths, and ultimately apply for jobs and internships.


Graduate School Preparation

Graduate School Preparation

Find what type of program is best for you and get tips on how to write your personal statement, prepare for your entrance exam, and more. Students can begin exploring graduate school as an option for the future; if you are already in the application process, our staff can help you to revise your documents for admission.


Job and Internship Search

Job and Internship Search

Talk about how to find jobs and internships that will be a good fit for you. Our staff will help you identify where and how to look for internships, learn who is hiring and how to apply, and help ensure your career documents are ready. In addition, students and alumni interested in preparing for informational interviews with professionals in their field can receive help conducting research and building a list of questions to ask.

*Note* The Career Center does not find internships for you; we will help you learn how to find them for yourself!