Our Mission: To empower undergraduates through life-changing experiences in archaeological field research.
The Longwood Institute of Archaeology (IoA) engages students in hands-on learning through archaeological projects for public and private clients. Through the IoA, students majoring in Anthropology and Archaeology participate in a wide variety of research initiatives and cultural resource management projects where they learn practical, real-world career skills.
The Institute of Archaeology is operated by a skilled team of professional archaeologists with extensive experience in archaeological research and the cultural resource management industry. Under the team's guidance, undergraduate students are engaged on projects and apply their skills while earning a real wage for their efforts.
This exciting initiative offers unprecedented educational opportunities for our students. We will never lose our focus on students and making their educational experience at Longwood the best that it can possibly be, thus shaping their futures in positive ways.
Our services include:
Partnering organizations:
November 15, 2017
As Longwood students Olivia Mehalko and Cameron Reuss knelt in the dirt and carefully unearthed the remains of a 1,000-year-old Native American hearth, they came across what would seem to be a common find.