Read and Write
Read and Write

The Office of Disability Resources is pleased to announce the selection of Read & Write as our new reading, writing, learning, and text-to-speech software of choice. Read & Write will replace the current Read OutLoud software. We are looking to have a full implementation of the software beginning in January of 2017. We will be piloting some focus groups during the month of November. If you are interested in participating then please reach out to Cam Patterson by visiting the Disability Resource Office or calling 434.395.2391. 

Read & Write is an award-winning software program that gives great assistance to students with dyslexia and other learning needs. It is a great tool for anyone needing to improve their reading and writing. Read & Write makes the web, documents, and files more accessible. There are many positive upgrades that will prove beneficial such as a fully integrated toolbar. Read and Write apps will be available for download via the Google Play and Apple Stores. 

The Disability Resources Team is excited to begin sharing this new learning tool with our registered students and the campus. Please be on the lookout for more announcements and teasers as we begin to roll out the product. This product will primarily be available to individuals registered with the Office of Disability Resources, but all members of the Longwood community are able to have access to the product on their personal devices or in our Campus Labs.