Learning takes a lot of time and effort. Everyone, no matter how capable, can benefit from spending additional time studying with others. The earlier in the semester you take advantage of Tutoring and the Writing Center, the more you will benefit. Although, participating in The Center for Academic Success services does not guarantee a passing or improved grade, those who utilize our services are typically more successful.
Any current Longwood student may use the services of the Academic Success, Speaking and Writing Centers. Certain courses may suggest or require attendance, but otherwise attendance is up to the student.
There is no charge.
You don't need to sign up for subject area tutoring - just show up for the session you want to attend. However, for the writing center, please go to https://longwood.mywconline.com/ to schedule an appointment. Walk-ins are welcome, but appointments are not always available.
If we get numerous requests for a class or a professor asks for tutoring services, we can add that class to the tutoring schedule. Often working on study strategies can help improve your grade in the course. We are available to meet with you individually to assess how to best tackle your problems in the course.
Yes. And it would be a good idea.
Not at all. The consultants are there to help you develop as a writer, not to do your work for you.